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Make Money Online: Best Sites and Ways to Download Copyright Free Articles or Content


If you want to be an outstanding blogger, here you are at the right place.

First of all we need to know; 

What is copyright law so that we could avoid any difficulty? 

Why do we need copyright free content? 

And is there any issue if we use copyrighted content? 

Towards the end we will tell you how to write copyright free articles and where to search copyright free content. 

So be patient and stay tuned. 

Copyright law ensures the protection of the intellectual property of authors and artists. Copyright law is a way to protect one's work and control it. Further it enables them to make a promising earning. Copyright encompasses almost all creative activities, including books, movies, music, paintings, and sculptures.

Under copyright law, creators can manipulate their work in accordance with their wishes. They also have the right to create derivative works, such as translations, adaptations, and remixes. Copyright holders can ensure their rights through legal procedure.

Here we would through some light on the topic and clarify the confusion whatsoever maybe. 

1. Copyright law: Protection of Intellectual Property

Copyright law safeguards the intellectual property of all types of creators: writers, artists, and other creators. 

This includes;

a) the right to create, 

b) the right to publish and distribute, 

c) and the right to earn a living

Copyright law protects the intellectual property from 

a) unauthorized use, 

b) reproduction, 

c) distribution, 

d) and, in some cases, unauthorized adaptation. 

This employs that copyright holders can prevent other to copy or use their work without consent. It also enables them to make money and earn a livelihood. 

2. Copyright refers to Original Work

Copyright indicates to the original works of authorship. This means that the author is the owner of a work. Copyright protection has a fixed duration, generally the life of the author or 50 years after his death, whichever is shorter.

Once it is copyrighted, the author has control how it is used and who can use it. Anyone who manipulates the work in any way or form without prior consent from the owner may be subject to legal action.

The author is entitled to this right automatically as soon as he creates the work. 

3. Copyright Law is for Limited Time Duration

Copyright protection law is for a limited time. In the US, copyright protection law spans the life of an author plus 70 years. After that, the work is in the public domain. In other countries, the life of the author plus 50 years is the limit.

4. Copyright law: Limited Uses of Copyrighted Works

Generally, copyright law permits limited access to copyrighted work without the permission of the owner. This is called "fair use" and are based on the notion that the public is entitled to use certain limited amounts of copyrighted material for the purpose of commentary, criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research.

In order to determine whether a particular use is a fair use, courts will consider four factors:

i. The aim and character of the use, inter alia whether the use is for financial or non-profit educational purposes.

ii. The nature of the work.

iii. The quantity and significance of the portion used with regard to the copyrighted work as a whole.

iv. The effectiveness or value of the work.

As cases can vary, in such situation courts may also consider any other relevant factors. 

5. The Permission of the Copyright Owner

Legally it is prohibited to copy, dispense, or publish copyrighted material without any prior consent of the owner. This contains unauthorized sharing of copyrighted material, such as music, movies, books, and software. Copyright breach is a serious offense, and can lead to criminal charges and fines. If you are caught breaching on someone's copyright, you could be subject to damages, including court expenses and lawyers' fees.

6. Ways to Obtain Permission

If you want to publicize copywritten work, you will need to take permission from the owner. Below are a few ways to do that;

i. Contact the owner directly. 

Usually, this is the best way to gain permission, as you can talk about the details with the owner and reach to an agreement that would be convenient for both of you.

ii. Make use of a licensing service. 

 In case you do not have the time or resources to contact the owner, you can choose licencing service. There are such companies that specialize in securing licenses for copyrighted material.

iii. Utilize a public domain work. 

Public domain work is out of intellectual property rights. If such is the case, you can use it without gaining prior permission from the owner. Nevertheless, you should be sure that the work is really in the public domain before using it.

7. Citation without Permission has Legal Implications

Breach of copyright is a crime that can incur financial losses and legal action. If you notice that someone has illegally copied or used your work, you can take some steps to save your rights.

First, you can file a breach of copyright lawsuit. 

Second, you can file a breach of copyright claim with your local government.

Finally, you can take steps to save your copyright yourself, for example, using a copyright safe search engine or registering your copyright. 

8. What are Copyright Free Articles/Content

Copyright free articles are such written pieces of content that you can use and mould as you wish. They are also known as PLR or royalty free. They can be utilized, copied, manipulated, publicized, converted into blogs for free without any acknowledgement to their authorship. 

If you have intended to use copyright free articles on your website or blog, you should make some special changes to the content otherwise just copy/paste job would not work efficiently. However, if you want to use outside the above-mentioned platforms, you can use them in flesh and blood.

9. How to Manipulate or Use Copyright Free Articles/Content 

If you want to rank and gain organic views, you have to give some twist to your articles. In other words you have to garb your article uniqueness; this is what Google likes.

A large number of copyright free articles are not unique due to their use by someone else before. In that case, if you publish such article, Google will not rank your blog or website and you will not be able to attract or gain organic views. Besides, your article will be marked as copied or duplicated.

Originality or uniqueness of the content, in case of using copyright free articles, is contingent upon the source you are taking them from. For example, if you are taking articles from free sources, it is highly possible that they are not unique. Because, anyone can use them. Whereas, if you are getting them from paid sources, there is a higher possibility of the originality because not everyone has easy access to those sources.

Apart from their source, if you wish to rank and gain organic traffic flow, you should follow these steps to provide some twist to you content;

i) Check uniqueness of the article: 

In order to Check whether your article is unique or not, use plagiarism detector sites. This way you would know the uniqueness of you content as well as it would show you the plagiarized portion. So, you can easily know and rewrite that part again to make it unique. 

ii) Rephrase and rewrite the article: 

There are two ways to do so;

One is to rewrite and rephrase the article yourself.

Second is to use free tool. Quillbot is a free rewriting tool. You can freely access this tool and rephrase you article in seven different ways. It would automatically generate alternative content for you to use without any problem. 

Wow! It's great. Just chill and don't worry about plagiarism or duplication. 

10. How to Write Copyright Free Articles/Content

To write copyright free articles, one way is to go to those sites that provide copyright free content. Here are some sites that are free while some are paid. In the next section we provide the names of both. 

Second way is use AI tools to generate an article. In this case you have to make some changes to the content and optimize it in accordance with SEO. 

Don't just copy and paste.

11. Copyright Free Articles/Content Sites

i. Copyright Free Sites

There are some sites that are free. You can use them without paying a single penny. BUT STOP, and read section 9 above. Here are they;




Here is the paid site;


ii. AI Tools

Secondly, we can also get help from AI to create a copyright free content for us. In this category also fall free and paid tools. Here are free tools;

a) h-supertools

b) ChatGpt

Here are paid ones:

a) Jasper

b) Jarvis

12. Conclusion

Both free and paid sources have been mentioned as well as their merits and demerits have also been outlined. So beware to use copyright free content as it is. Because it would not attract traffic as well as lack uniqueness. In order to make them unique rephrase, rewrite or get paid ones. 

Never ever compromise on Originality. Use these websites and tools to make your work easy but MAKE SURE to add your own twist to them.

Best of Luck! 


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